In this tutorial, you will learn a basic method for frequently delivering apps to clients by introducing automation into the stages of development known as Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery.

Firstly, we will use JSON Resume which is an open-source initiative created by the community to create a JSON-based standard for resumes that will assist us in creating a faster launch for our curriculum. This tool creates an HTML resume from a JSON file using a command-line tool.

Next, Github actions will allow us to create a docker image with a basic httpd server that includes the HTML we generated in the previous step, each time our repository is updated. Additionally, this image will be automatically pushed to DockerHub.

As the last step, we will use adnanh/webhook to recreate our container whenever a new image is pushed to our Docker Hub repository. Webhook is a simple, lightweight application written in Go, which allows you to easily create HTTP endpoints on your server, which can be used to execute commands.

It’s just one way of doing it, there are many more. You could build the HTML file with Github Actions instead of copying it after it is built locally and pushed to the repository. It’s just a cool little project to start with since it’s basically only a lab for learning about Docker, Github Actions,…

It’s assumed that most of you have a basic understanding of things like creating a GitHub repository, committing to it, and so on. It is also important that you have docker, npm, and git installed on your computer, which should be enough. Please let me know if you have any problems, and I can either help you or update this article.

Create the resume

The first thing you need to do is create a GitHub repository and clone it locally. Afterward, we can install resume-cli, the JSON Resume command-line tool. To do this, run the following command at the root of your project:

npm install resume-cli

As a general rule, I prefer installing packages locally (in-project) rather than globally, so if my project is never deleted, I don’t have to remember to uninstall global packages also. Additionally, the project is more portable. If you install the package globally, it is not necessary to run resume-cli through npx.

Our next step will be to initialize a new resume:

resume init

You will be asked to enter your name and email address. There will be a new JSON file called resume.json which contains information about your resume. There are several ways that you can customize your resume, each with multiple options. You are invited to check them out and choose the theme that best fits your needs. Please keep in mind that if you want a different theme, it will require extra configuration.

Let’s generate our HTML resume now:

npx resume export resume.html

Once you push it to your repository, we can move on to the next section.

Docker image

Assuming that you have finished the last section, let’s build a docker image that contains the basic Httpd web server with our resume.html created previously. In order to do that, we will make a fairly simple Dockerfile with just two lines. In your project root, create a file named Dockerfile that contains the following lines:

FROM httpd:latest
COPY resume.html /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html

The first line simply states that we will use Httpd’s latest version as our base image. The second line copies our resume to the server’s public folder. To ensure everything works as expected, we will test our image locally. The first step is to build our image and save it with a tag resume-test so that after we launch the container, that tag will be available.

docker build . -t resume-test

As a next step, we will run a container named container-resume with this command:

docker run -p 80:80 -d --name container-resume resume-test

-p YOUR_MACHINE_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT. If you head to httpd documentation on docker.hub they expose the server on port 80.

-d Runs container in background and print container ID and we can still work on the same terminal.

Your curriculum should now appear once you type localhost into your browser. In case it does not, check for any errors on your terminal and repeat the process.

In order to stop and remove the container on your machine, you must run the following commands:

docker container stop container-resume
docker container rm container-resume

Github actions

My favorite section, here you will learn how to use GitHub actions to build our application every time a new commit is made to our repository. Also, after a build is complete, this will upload the image to our Docker Hub repository for us. There’s an awesome document on Docker that shows how to do this, and this is just the easiest part. Take a look at this if you want to find out how to automate more.

To start with, you should go to docker hub and create an account. After that, you will need to name the repository web-resume, or whatever you want to call it. You will need that name on the next steps.

Once the repository has been created, go to Account settings -> Security -> Access Tokens and create a new token. Be sure to save the token, it will be needed later. You can now add the following two secrets in your GitHub repository’s settings: Secrets -> New Secret.

DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME : With your docker hub username.

DOCKER_HUB_ACCESS_TOKEN : With the token previously created.

We are now ready to start writing the cool GitHub actions YAML file. Navigate to the top menu of your repository -> Actions -> New workflow -> Set up a workflow yourself. Copy the text below and paste it:

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: CI
# Controls when the workflow will run
  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch
    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        name: Login to Docker Hub
      - uses: docker/login-action@v1
          username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
        name: Set up Docker Buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
        name: Build and push
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
          context: .
          file: ./Dockerfile
          push: true
          tags: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}/YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-REPO-NAME:latest

The code below was extracted from the documentation I mentioned earlier. It is well documented and easy to follow. Note that the section titled “Set up Docker Buildx” creates our Dockerfile image remotely, just as we did locally. Finally, I also highlighted in bold “YOUR-DOCKER-HUB-REPO-NAME”. If you have named your Docker hub repo differently, and I think so, just be sure to change this name for the one you selected.

Now, whenever you push something to master, a new image will be built and saved to your repository, so go ahead and test it.

Recreate our container

Our project is almost complete, so we need a way to create our container with the last image built on our repository. There is a section on the menu named Webhooks within the Docker Hub repository. This lets you send an HTTPS request each time there is a push event in the repository, along with a bunch of information about it. Hence, the only thing left is to receive requests. For this, I’m going to use adnanh/webhook. We can easily launch an endpoint with it and set it up in a few steps.

A server is needed before you begin the next section. Your own PC can be used, but make sure you have a public IP address so the webhook request can find your computer. I’m using the cheapest and most basic Hertzner Cloud basic server with Ubuntu. Ensure that Docker is installed on your server, as well as being logged into your Docker Account in order to be able to download newly created images. This can be easily done by:

docker login

We will first start our container and write the shell script for restarting it before installing the Webhook tool. To start the container:


Next, include the following in a shell script: ( Remember the name and to add execution permissions chmod +x )

# Pull latest version of the image
# Remove unused images
docker image prune -f
# Stop the container
# Remove the container
# Recreate the container

It’s time to install adnanh/webhook. In Ubuntu, it’s as simple as this:

sudo apt-get install webhook

You can also refer to the documentation for other OS. Our next step is to create another JSON file, which will contain the following endpoint configuration information:

      "id": "ENDPOINT-NAME",
      "execute-command": "./",
      "command-working-directory": "/etc/scripts",
      "response-message": "Executing redeploy web resume container",
          "type": "value",
          "value": "CREATE-YOUR-OWN-TOKEN",
            "source": "url",
            "name": "GET-PARAM"
  • id: Specify any name you wish, but keep in mind that it will serve as the name for the endpoint http://yourserver:9000/hooks/id
  • execute-comand: Write here the name of the shell script we previously created.
  • command-working-directory: To specify the working directory where the script is stored, type the path to the directory where the script is saved.

Change the value of CREATE-YOUR-OWN-TOKEN with a secure token to verify that it’s you who’s asking to redeploy the container. As well as the GET-PARAM, which can be renamed to whatever you like. Our URL will be http://yourserver:9000/hooks/id?GET-PARAM=CREATE-YOUR-OWN-TOKEN .

Just two steps remain, the first launching our endpoint ( It would be best if you run this command in the background ):

webhook -hooks web-resume.json -verbose

Last, but not least. Go to the webhooks section of docker hub and create a new webhook. Type your URL there and name it as you wish, remember your URL format is:


Buala, now when you update your GitHub web-based curriculum, push it to master and you should see the updated curriculum online in a few seconds.

Check out my web resume at In addition to the domain name, I also added SSL certificates to my website. If you don’t know how to do this I invite you to update your project to be able to do it. If you enjoyed this project please share it with your friends.